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Oorja Shakti is an online information and service portal related to energy for India, attracting over millions of readers and clients each month. Oorja Shakti has been touching the lives of people by keeping them updated about all that is happening in energy sector in India and world. The idea is to make people aware about energy sector of India and provide the best service to various clients.
The Mind Behind Oorja Shakti is exceptionally talented, dedicated and hardworking. We empower people to make smarter energy decisions through simplicity, transparency, and choice. Every day, millions of Indians chasing for save energy solutions and thousands of customers look for well-qualified information’s. But the process can be confusing, expensive, and intimidating. Oorja Shakti is the go-to marketplace for making confident energy decisions and gaining control over the save energy process.
It was way back in March 2023, when the domain name oorjashakti.com was registered. Just within few months of its launch, it got popular among city residents as a trusted and authentic information website covering India. Oorja Shakti has always insisted on the fact that it is nothing without the support of people from India. You may send your suggestions/complaints/inquiry at: info@oorjashakti.com
Our Author Portfolio
"Superintendent Engineer (NBPDCL, Bihar)"
"Member (CGRF, Bihar)"
"Assistant Professor (DU, Delhi)"
The idea is to make people aware about energy sector of India and provide the best service to various clients.
We’re dedicated to empowering you with the knowledge you need to make informed energy choices.
© 2025 Oorja Shakti
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