Ready complaint format for consumer grievance redressal :-

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Join OORJA SHAKTI Complaint Redressal movement

with OORJA SHAKTI it’s a lot easier than you think.

Fill out our Complaint format

In minutes, your Complaint will be sent to pre-screened and Trustworthy Retired Local DISCOM officer in your area. your contact information will stay private.

Review your Complaint with covering letter

Trustworthy Retired Local DISCOM officer in your area will build out Your complaint with covering letter sent right to your OORJA SHAKTI Dashboard

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Trustworthy Retired Local DISCOM officer in your area will build out Your complaint with covering letter sent right to your OORJA SHAKTI Dashboard

Application process for consumer grievance redressal :-

After we getting your grievance Application we shall provide you best possible solution for it.

Grievance Disposal

The grievance shall disposed after satisfactory redressal


    A. Grievance Redressal from local office
  • Section office
  • Sub Division office
  • Division office
  • Circle office
  • Zonal Area Board Office
  • HQ Level Grievance
Section office –
  • Fuse calls
  • Meter replacement
  • Meter Reading
  • New Services Connections up to 1 -7 KW
  • Defective meter
  • Old meter Replacement
  • Non communication of smart meter closed at Work order level and modem non functional
  • Single Phase Connection
    Sub Divisional office –
  • Fuse calls
  • New Services Connection for three phase connection
  • Meter Reading
  • Bill Dispute Related Complaint
  • Defective meter
  • Old meter Replacement
  • Smart Meter
    Divisional level complaint Format office –
  • HT Connection for 11KV supply
  • Billing issues
  • Smart Meter And E.T.C
  • Meter Shifting
    Circle level complaint :–
  • HT Connection for 33 KV Supply
  • Pole Shifting
  • New Electrification of villages, tola, Mohalla, bamboo removal from old connection
  • Old Conductor replacement
  • Any issues of Transformer over loading
    Zonal /Area level complaint :–
  • All Complaint other than lower offices which was not resolved the Zonal level DOP
    HQlevel Grievance: –
  • All Related issues Doesn’t Solved By Lower Office.
B. GrievanceRedressal from state Regulatory commission
  • CGRF
  • Ombudsman
Grievance Redressal of SERC
  • CGRF All issue which are not complaint by the State office or Division level is challenged in the CGRF with appendix and covering letter and it will get Registered in the concern CGRF.
  • Ombudsman Redressal of SERC -:
    C. GrievanceRedressal from PGRO.
  • District PGRO
  • DM appellate
  • Commissioner appellate
  • Secretary appellate
  • At Sub divisional level PGRO all complaint Authorized to look after by PGRO.
  • At District level PGRO all complaint authorized to look after by PGRO.
  • At District Magistrate level Appellate :- order challenged in the first appeal order of sub divisional PGRO.
  • Commissioner Level Appellate :- order challenged in the first appeal,order of District PGRO.
  • Level Appellate :-1st Appeal order to be challenged.
    D. GrievanceRedressal from Court
  • Lower court
  • Higher Court
  • Lower Court Detail and Reference Should at the Website.
  • High Court Details and Reference Should be Shared at the Website.

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